
November 24, 2013


好一段时间没上来了,说不上忙,只是很没头绪。最近的写作能力降低,很低很低,很担心,身为一个语言系的学生,怎么可以说能 力降低就降低。好了,进入主题。今日主题是-关于。。。

关于爱,我已经单身了很久。你可以说我没人追,但我其实选择了不去勉强,我选择了静静等候。我深信会有那么一天他会看见我的好,那么一点的好。长大了有好多事情不能用小孩的观点去看,你要知道,就算你现在没爱,也不代表你的生活 很枯燥。去学学看看那些你觉得很有爱的事情。所以说, 爱很简单,对我来说听周杰伦的歌就是爱。



关于朋友, 是的,交朋友是人生里一个很重要的课程。最近认识了一位无论兴趣个性都和自己蛮相似的朋友,她不是本地人 ,虽然井底之蛙但透过不同的人去看他们的国家家乡,你会觉得那是另一种不同的感觉。去开开你的眼界,是我的其中一个重要的人生目标。还有,我的她。想了很久我要怎么去形容她,我发现其实语言根本形容不了她。我真的很衷心感谢她,在我最伤心最心烦的那段期间对我不离不弃。我真的好爱你小叮当~



October 23, 2013

Happy Marriage.

Cousin's getting marry!!!! Mom says suppose it's not cousin but uncle, but who cares? Who else also want to become young right? haha. I called him his name since I was a kid. He always play with us when we are still children every CNY, but now, he's a husband and also a Dad. Time flies, when's my turn to become a wife and a mom? LOL. So, it's my uncle's wedding actually, have fun coz my cousins' back!!! I miss them so much and love them so much also, xoxo~

The night before the wedding dinner, going to have a hair wash at saloon and my hair had been blew like that but after not more than one hour, it become like normal already.
my hair...really...can't stand for the style for long time and they say it's healthy wor >,<

One with my pretty piggy.

 So, the food is prepared and we wait for guests....>>>

My sis, I ask she to take a pic and she say, " You say ma, I want to pose, wait... arrrhhh...but at last, I decide to put a monster face on her face coz her pose not really nice also, haha.

 Wait for a so long period, the cutie pie is finally here!!!!! I haven't meet her for years and our last date was she's only few months, she was still a lil baby that time, but now she's a lil monster~ Here's she posing with her bottle.

 I asked she to pose prettily and she laugh like that, so cuteeeee omg!!!!

 Of course must have a shoot with me ma, she's busying camwhore for us. LOL.

 So the next day morning, woke up so early to prepared myself and went to grab the bride, LOL.  One with my sis again before heading out.

 Reached and start the mission....!

 After waiting and waiting, all stuff are done and the bride is finally home and the mission is completed! A Chong's family pic with the marriage couple. I LOVE MY FAMILY SO SO MUCH~~~!!!!

Was so busy after that, keep cleaning the tables, rush here rush there, went for saloon and RAIN POUR wtf, so my pretty hairstyle become no more style again LOL.

Ready for the wedding dinner at night, one with my sis again before going to attend to the dinner.

 #2 Us again, so in love with this color.

 With my cousin, I always laugh at her that she got no eyes when she no make up LOL, haha. So become I have eyes already haha.

 With my babes.

 With bro. His smile so noob LOL haha.

 With sis, mom and aunty.

 With aunty Juan.

 My bros and sis. We are happy family. 

How can I missed my cutie pie, one with her again and she's still busying camwhore herself, haha.

 Last but not least, the family combination before I end this post up. Enjoy.

p/s: Having the max fun that day although it's damn tired. 
 Happy Marriage, my uncle and aunt. ;>