this is wat i would like to type but i m too lazy becoz i m in a holiday-mode..haha
taken when v are having a dinner at tapah...
it was da first time but i hope it can be held everyear=]
so...happy chinese new year for all of da chinese around da world~
it is a new year for us...so keep enjoy it=P
for me...
it's a quite sad new year coz i lost a love one in my family...
so...v are not celebrate happily although v must celebrate it...
but v still have some gathering in my family and having some fun time...
for frends...
v have lots of fun in da day in celene's home coz...i m drunk!
hell!just feel uncomfortable after i drink...so just keep on laughing at all..[hw stupid am i..haha]
but anyway...i luv da way i drunk...
so relax and so enjoyable...haha=P
going many frends' home to get many ang pow...
thx for their daddy mummy~~=]
and so it is da last day of holiday for me...
coz monday is coming soon...
and so...end it up here...and i noe this post is quite boring...=P
oh ya~almost forget about a person~
haha~finally i meet she!!~
wow!so miss she coz keep on contact wif her since she's back...
so wait for yur next coming bek ya~haha=D
GONG XI FA CAI to all of u~
happy CNY~~
p/s::i can do it coz it was not da first time....=P....should be shut up for whole da time=P
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