
February 22, 2011


my hair is messy after coming bek from school

today was not a bored school day coz teachers are coming in to teach and not like yesterday=.=...
but v still have 2 periods free and v do have chat...ya~i love chat and v love chat oso!~haha=)

yet, i m still da same...say like wanna put more effort but now i m sitting in front of my computer...typing blog...facebook-ing...and i will study later?...maybe? friend ask me to use my blogging time to study...but i prefer blogging than study...however when i think about da results....omg...start feeling stress and i should go to study...coz exam's coming.....

next...turn to another topic...

erm...i m having a sweet dream good if it's truth....i oways hope my dreams come true but it oways failed....ya...what she says is true...i m just like tat but NOt tat....i wont let u noe about this coz it's my secret=P


and next next next...march's coming!...and my darling will be coming bek

ya....i dint see him for almost 3 months...many things happen but v are still da same...they say Y my relationship is so complicated and i answer i dont NOe...haha~never mind...he's still my love one although sometime his stupid action make my sad...yet...v are still together...

so what i should do keep this relationship better and better....and full wishes for her oso coz her baby boyis oso coming bek from working~so good if he's by my side

tat's all for today and i make myself a snack just now...maybe it's look is bad but it's taste is not bad=P

eggy-bread wif hotdogy

so end here...♥ for everyones~

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